Special Educational Needs
Special Education Needs Code of Practice provides guidance to schools and parents about meeting the needs of pupils. Staff in school will work with parent/carers guiding them and informing them of any additional work they may need to do to support children and identify their strengths. If they need additional help, they will be assessed in school.
Outreach Support
We work with agencies who specialise in children with additional needs and they can provide us with help and resources
If your child's needs are complex or severe we may ask the Local Authority for a Statutory Assessment or an SEND agreement. This will be in the form of a document that explains your child's needs and the help they will be able to access. If your child needs extra help because they have been assessed, they will receive an Educational Health Plan. If they receive an Educational Health Plan, the Local Authority will provide extra resources for your child. If you would like to know what provision is in place in school for your child or need any help because you are worried about your child you can contact school and we can make you an appointment with our Assistant Head Teacher for Inclusion on 437 4444.
You can also follow this link to view the Local Authority Offer:
If you would like to know what provision is in place in school for your child or need any help because you are worried about your child you can contact school and we can make you an appointment with our Assistant Head Teacher for Inclusion on 437 4444.
You can also follow this link to view the Local Authority Offer:
This is outlined in greater detail in our Behaviour Policy. We believe primarily in self discipline and our approach to children is created to foster a sense of personal and collective responsibility. All new parent/carers receive a copy of our behaviour policy and attendance policy along with the school brochure. Children are rewarded for good behaviour in our celebration assembly each Friday morning.
We encourage a positive approach to everyday problems. Children's efforts are praised and their individual needs for security and stability are respected and catered for. We have high expectations of our children and we hope to develop high expectations within them.
In September 2014 the government introduced a single category called 'Additional SEND support'. This will be a simple and rigorous approach which will focus on the impact of the support provided for your child and how your child can access the help they need. For further information, follow this link:
Supporting with Additional Needs
Assistant Head Teacher for Inclusion: Mrs G Fletcher co-ordinates all SEND provision across school
Class Teachers
They will always make sure that appropriate work is given to your child to meet their needs and ability
Teaching Assistants
They support your children in class and also offer additional support through Maths, Literacy, Phonics, Life skills support.

Offer counselling and emotional help as well as bereavement support
Will come into school to carry out assessments for children who have additional needs
Speech and Language Therapist
Works regularly in school and can tell you if your child needs additional assessment or support